Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Osuna speaks of the manner of teaching and learning in the life of recollection: 

'Make everyone your masters and while loving them, flee to one alone.'


Osuna speaks of how we can keep God in our memory, saying:
'Remember God constantly and call out to Him in sighs' 

Spiritual remembrance is the capacity for an inarticulate 'sighing' of desire in the soul towards goodness, beauty and truth  in all things and all times.  To remember God in this way is more than recall or thinking about God - it is more like a realisation that we are being remembered and recollected up in God. It is this remembering of divine desiring that  gives new life and constatnly nourishes the life of the soul. 


'May your tears of recollection be weapons in your fight for glory'  
so says Osuna in the Tenth treatise of the Third Alphabet of Spiritual Recollection 

The spiritual wisdom of weeping lies in the soul gradually orientating towards the fullness of grace  - in an inner attitude of spiritual yearning .  It is this spiritual mourning that moves the spiritual journey along - and the fruit of this mourning is joy.  What is sown in tears we reap in joy.   

Spiritual mourning is linked to the rite of annointing - with sacred oil that is a symbol for the flowing of grace for healing, nourishment , as a sign or mark of a particular calling or as a sign for the passage of dying and death . Osuna reminds us - the soul  enters the world weeping for joy and we leave the world weeping for joy. 


Of the Prudence you should have in everything, Osuna says: 
 ' Examine, Become Experienced, and perfect all your works'. 
in the Fifth Treatise of Spiritual Recollection.

To learn spiritual prudence is to learn to examine everything in the forge of the conscience, to navigate the ship of the soul with a fearless carefulness, and to learn to extract the sweet wisdom and goodness  of the soul like a bee-keeper extracts honey. 

Live an examined life!
Know yourself not by last things
but by first things.
Know yourself not by deeds
but by their first rooting ,
the first  stirrings of deeds
beginning in the heart.
Before  the grasp of thought .
Before passion intensifies
and acts become habits.

Keep watch with everything
in the forge of conscience.
Keep watch with everything
till the heart’s holy heat is fierce
and a purer act, clearer sight
will come.  

Follow this work through
into a lifetime of perfecting
the heart’s manner of knowing
from first things not last things
like the wise man who
lifts precious metal from the flames
and with utmost patience polishes
till the sheen of gold shines through.

Learn to fear wisely and well!
Every sailing in the ship of recollection
rouses fear of deep waters and storms
with only a plank beneath you
and the ocean floor.
So captain your own ship
of spiritual exercise
with prudent fear –
use a plumb -line to measure depth
study the  sea chart
carry many sails
find the north star
and take care of your craft.

But equally …
captain your ship  with prudent fearlessness
not fearing when there is no reason to fear.
Before accusing voices saying –
demented! deceived! demon!
be prudently fearless.
Let your soul not shrink
from anxious advice and imaginings
of every error and conceivable mishap. 
Stay the full course -  prudently fearless!

Perfect the art of inner tasting !
The wise man contemplates
to open the mouth of his soul.  
He need not understand
what grace is being placed
direct on his tongue
he need not see what nourishes
to learn the manner of savouring
to recognise the flavour of wisdom
and experience for himself
the  vivifying effect .

The wise man continues his work
to educate his  palette
for spiritual tasting .
He savours at leisure
what he does not recognise at first
making fine distinctions in his soul
comparing this subtle flavour with that.
So the conversion of heart  proceeds
through delightful knowing.

But most of all,
the wise man contemplates
to be strengthened in hope.
Like a lover being fed honey
his Beloved invites him
into  a fearless relishing
of a  mere token drop
from the honeycomb of beatitude -
feeding his longing  for more
feeding desire for nothing less
feeding  a sacred ambition
that causes him to cry out in hope
in hope for the fullness
that this sweet dripping foretaste

promised from the beginning.

Sunday, 20 October 2013


'Come to repose not by understanding but by delightful tasting'

Francisco de Osuna in the Third Spiritual Alphabet.

The soul has two wings .  Learning requires the use of the left wing of understanding, but spiritual repose comes through the right wing of inwardly tasting the sweetness of wisdom